Monday, May 21, 2012

une semaine à Paris

Bonjour, mes amis.  Excusez mon français.  Cette semaine, J'étais à Paris pour rendre visite à mes cousins.  Is parlent anglais, arménien, et français.   Avec leur amis arméniens et avec moi, ils parlent arménien principalmente.  Mais ils parlent le dialecte occidental, et je parle le dialecte oriental (que les "hayastantsis" parlent en Armenie).  Nous nous comprenons mutuellement, mais si c'est dificile.  

 J'ai participé à quelques réunions et conférences avec mes cousins.  Leur amie, Ani -une professeure de la langue arménienne aux Etats Unis et restait chez eux en même temps que moi, a fait une presentation orale que j'ai écouté.  Elle a dit qu', "apprendre une langue est ouvrir une fenêtre au monde."  (mais elle a dit cela en arménien, pas en français).   Elle a dit aussi qu'afin d'enseigner une langue aux enfants, un instituteur doit parler avec les élèves, jouer avec eux, chanter avec eux.   Les élèves doivent apprendre à aimer le langue, avante d'apprendre à la parler .

Aussi, j'ai vu la Tour Eiffel, et Le Louvre (un très grand musée ), et l'eglise du Sacre Coeur (Church of the Sacred Heart) et bien d'autres monuments.

Et... Voilà!  Des photos!

un appareil très interessant! 

la Tour Eiffel

Maral, moi, Shushan, et Vahan (de gauche à adroit)

Aram joue le kanon

If I have made any mistakes, comment and correct my grammar, and I will edit it so that it will be corrected on the blog.  Thank you!

merci à Achod Papasian, pour ses corrections grammaticalles!  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The end of my internship

Even though i was supposed to have completed my internship at YerPhI on Tuesday (as Wednesday was a holiday and Thursday afternoon I flew out to Paris), certain bugs in my program have caused me to have to bring some of my equipment back to the house so that I could work on it from home on Wednesday.  Thursday I came in to work, so that my coworker Mikayel would be able to drive me over to the airport during his lunch break.    And now I am here in Paris.  
        It's been a fun experience again in Armenia; not only fun, but also very helpful to the people I have been working with.  Until I came, they had never considered the idea of using the language C to program microcontrollers, and had been doing it the old fashioned way, using assembly language.  For those of you with lack of experience in computers, assembler is the Latin of computers.  I came in, and taught them a new way of doing things, and using this new technique, helped them create a control system for a furnace.  
The furnace, the control-board, and power supply system.

     This is in stark contrast to my previous internship last summer in Gyumri, where I did barely any work at all (no offense to my dear friends at GITC).  This time, my work was very important to my coworkers, and I feel a sense of accomplishment worthy of being placed on my resumé.  Perhaps I may be able to come back to work at YerPhI again in the future?  I cannot say yet about that.  

And here, I shall post some pictures from the last few weeks:

I'm riding a horse!  

Mourners gather and lay down flowers at the Genocide memorial on April 24th
Candles lit in the Geghart Monastery (it's not as dark as it looks, it's just that I put the shutter speed very fast so that less light enters the camera.  it looked cooler this way)  

The opera house, and a concert taking place in front of it

Me and my extended host family, only a few nights before I left.